strategy session

an intuitive session to ignite clarity & form an impactful action plan for your systems

Strategy Sessions are great for when you’re feeling stuck or have questions about upleveling your current Notion systems.

It’s a 60 minute 1-on-1 container where you can bounce your ideas off me, get feedback and advice, and take a behind the scenes peek into my personal systems. You’ll leave with more clarity and action steps to make your Notion dreams come true!

Does something in your Notion system feel off or like it’s not quite working right?

  • maybe your daily dashboard feels stale & boring,

  • you’ve got too many unorganized databases clogging up your sidebar

  • you’re not sure how to organize tasks so you actually do them,

  • or you can’t figure out how to keep all your course notes straight

I’ll help you come up with an action plan to help make your systems work with your magical brain. 🎱✨

Ready to book?

Questions before you schedule?

ready made Notion templates

don’t need 1-1 support right now?

prefer to DIY your heart away in an already-made template?

check out our available Notion templates here!