december self-care resource roundup


here's a new month roundup of meditations, resources, and exercises that i've been experimenting with! feel free to try them out and lmk how they resonate with you. what self-care have you been experimenting with lately?

this month i’ve been diving into taking my power back, setting boundaries, and cultivating joy & presence in my life.


[this is a snippet of the resources I shared this month in the Patreon community. click here to see the rest!]

guided meditations

Holding center by Sarah Blondin on Insight Timer.

19 minutes.

“Life has differently textured experiences we often wish were to our liking but when not everything goes our way we need to adapt. In this practice, Sarah helps you learn a new skill called "Holding Center" to help you not only to adjust yourself to these experiences but to create a practice to love these differences and enjoy the smooth and rocky roads of the journey.”

Rise & Shine! A morning practice to set intentions for today by Samantha Russell on Insight Timer.

11 minutes

“Rise and shine sleepy head! It’s time to wake up and start the adventure of this new day. The beauty of morning meditation is that it sets the stage for the rest of the day, granting us the opportunity to harness the energy we wish to experience as we move into the world by setting powerful intentions. In the morning we have the least resistance so it's a great time to practice a simple meditation like this one.”

Accepting change by Chelsea Pottenger on Insight Timer.

10 minutes

“This 10-minute meditation is about trusting and accepting change during times of uncertainty. Being able to welcome change with a mind that is calm, centred, and accepting rather than responding with fear.”

Heartbeat Of The Universe by davidji on Insight Timer.

10 minutes

This one is really interesting! Not like meditations I typically do. It’s music/drumbeat with words said almost poetically on top. And a few questions tapping into your heart space.

“The first sound we ever heard was our mother's heartbeat. This is when we were our most innocent, pure, unconditioned self. Join me for this deep musical dive into your sweet, tender heart. When we take time to connect to our hearts, we can ask sacred questions, get clear on what we really want, manifest infinite possibilities, and be more kind to ourselves and others. We are conduits of love. Keep trusting your heart.”


Strong Backs, Soft Fronts, and Wild Hearts on Unlocking Us with Brene Brown

“In this solo episode recorded on Election Day 2020, I talk directly to our wholehearted community about the practice that helps me when I’m feeling fearful, worried, or wobbly, and why this work is the foundation for true belonging.”

other resources

10 Day Setting Boundaries Challenge on Insight Timer

This free 10-Day Setting Boundaries Challenge led by author and psychotherapist, Terri Cole will address your challenges and weaknesses when it comes to setting boundaries. You will learn how to make small yet powerful changes that will lead to more effective communication, healthier boundaries, and ultimately, more harmony in every relationship in your life. Are you ready to make a change?

Here’s to feeling more well-resourced, nourished, and supported heading into the new month.

Let me know which practices and resources resonate with you! 🖤✨


✨ This post is a sneak peek of the exclusive content that I post for my Patreon subscribers.

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feeling stuck or stagnant? try this!


simple grounding meditation