On Self-Care, Systems, and Letting Go of Perfectionism - The Violet Vulture podcast

I had the absolute pleasure of being a guest on Emmy’s podcast, The Violet Vulture!


Here’s a snippet of the show notes:

Today we've got a super special guest on the podcast, Brigitte (she/her) of Brigitte Marie Energy Design. Speaking with Brigitte was such a breath of fresh air with how she embraces experimentation and intentionality in her own life as well as the folks that work with her.

In this episode, we'll get into the following and then some:

  • What inspired her to get into systems, self-care, and systems-as-self-care work

  • What a typical session might look like whether it's around building systems in Notion or the energetics of one's physical space

  • How her dedication to this work has supported her own neurodiversity

  • Embracing being a witch and the importance of trusting the process and one's journey

  • The importance of looking critically at your life and surroundings if you're serious about making a change

  • How dropping your habits isn't always a bad thing

  • How grounding releasing perfectionism and clarifying your own non-negotiables in life can be

  • The 30-day bad art challenge: what it was and how it allowed for some vulnerability and community-building

If you're keen to learn about how systems and letting yourself tinker along the way can be transformative to you and your biz's well-being, this one is for you.

Listen to the episode here or in your fav podcast player!



my task management workflow in notion


top level productivity system in Notion