my very first notion page πŸ–€

& simple spring rituals 🌱

happy february and happy imbolc πŸ’. i was only just introduced to the concept of imbolc a couple years ago and this year decided to dip my toe into celebrating. Imbolc (2/1/24) is a Gaelic traditional festival to mark the beginning of spring, usually celebrated half way between winter solstice and spring equinox (according to wikipedia).

this year, it really felt like i could feel the shift! the sunlight is starting to reappear during the day, peeping out a bit earlier in the morning, and hanging on a bit longer in the evening. i’m seeing sprouts of the first spring flowers starting to break through the ground 🌱. it’s also been a bit unseasonably warm, so my adorable little chipmunk friend has started coming out! 🐿️ i was not prepared for him to start stealing all my bird seed again this early though 🀭.


my celebrations were as simple as having a nourishing video chat with a soul friend, saying β€œhappy imbolc” (acknowledging the day), choosing specific emojis for the occasion, lighting a candle, going for a walk, and delighting in the sunlight, nature, and wildlife in my yard.

i used to think celebrations and rituals needed to be big and grand. but what i’m realizing now, is that all they really need to be is a dedicated moment of intention. and that feels really beautiful and special. πŸ•―οΈ

thank you for being here to celebrate with me. how are you acknowledging these seasonal shifts? 🌱



the template of the month is a brand spanking new release! my daily dashboard is by far the most important page in my entire notion system. it’s THE page i go to all day every day to get shit done. i’ve got everything on here i need in order to do my tasks for the day. a view of my current projects, my inbox, and my weekly tasks. (and more - customized to work with me and the ways that make sense for my brain)


the daily dashboard is included in the holy grail hq entire business system πŸ†β€¦ and i decided to bust it out and bring it to the world separately! cuz this baby could benefit anyone looking to better manage to do’s, projects, & life- not just entrepreneurs!


🎨 if you’ve seen any of my quarterly digital refreshes - you’re looking at my daily dash. i also use this page as one gigantic digital spell to help me visually call in my desires. that’s a powerful workspace 🀩


the daily dashboard is one of the first pages i started with when i began using notion. it’s really cool how much i have refined, changed, and customized it over the past 4 years to make it truly work for me. if you wanna get into notion, or if you wanna start getting more organized in your notion systems, the daily dash is a great place to start.


 i’ve set you up with a simplified version of what’s inside the holy grail hq. this baby is a lil launch pad for your own custom system! you’ve got everything you need to get started building the workspace of your dreams πŸš€


πŸ’»βœ¨ check out a live demo version of the template here!




More where that came from

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