how to create systems | adhd life hack

simple 7-step framework for building & refining systems

today we’re talking about systems. what are they? who needs them?

maybe you’re already using systems but don’t even know it!

i’m gonna talk about how to start making it conscious and give you a simple 7-step framework so you’re able to harness your magical powers/energy in the direction of your desires instead of feeling chaotic/spread out!

in this video, i go over:

  • what are systems? who needs them?

  • my path to systems

  • enabling constraints

  • an example

  • front loading for success

  • 7-step framework for building a system

  • the refinement process


what are systems? who needs them?

according to google dictionary: a system is β€œa set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized framework or method.”

i’d say that everyone needs (and uses) systems - we all operate in society within systems; whether you’re neurotypical or neurodivergent. society is mainly set up to cater to neurotypical folx. so us neurodivergent people have had to, more than likely, get creative and create unique systems for the unique ways that our brains work and enable us to get things done.

so while a neurotypical person might not have to put much thought or stock into the systems that help them get things done - it’s really important for neurodivergent folx. because those typical ways of getting things done or showing up in the world might not work for us. we might not be able to show up and do β€œsimple” tasks because our brains literally aren’t wired to work that way. which means it’s gonna take far more energy for us to try to adhere to those typical systems.

so by harnessing systems in our favor, we’re able lessen the amount of energy we expend, and even turn tasks into generative so we gain energy from them. make systems and processes that work for us and not against us. so we have more energy to show up and do what we actually want and like in life.

my path to systems

how did i know i needed systems? i didn’t. i didn’t want the structure; i wanted to rebel against typical tradition and feel free to do whatever i wanted whenever i wanted. but when given all that open space, i realized i wasn’t getting anything [meaningful] done. i was just feeling more frustrated, lost, confused, and disorganized. the possibilities of what to do seemed absolutely endless, and i could not choose. i couldn’t pick something and get started cuz i was way too overwhelmed. 😳

only by being within containers did i realize that i thrive within containers. within parameters.

i started to analyze when i was able to get things done and when i wasn’t, and the conditions that made that possible.

i went to a class from creative mornings by Christine Garvey of β€œa mighty practice” and she talked about needing parameters or what she called β€œenabling constraints” to create.

the class was called How to Generate Ideas & this was the description:

β€œThis workshop will discuss how to generate new ideas in your creative work through setting β€œenabling constraints.” Enabling constraints are conditions that allow us to play with a sense of focus and protection. They prevent creative overwhelm and help us establish intention in the discovery process.” β€œEnabling constraints are conditions that limit your choices, and in doing so empower you to make confident decisions”

that really helped to start solidifying it for me - that i really truly need containers and parameters to work within & thrive - and systems provide that structure.

my system example:

what i want: the ability and freedom to decide my daily schedule and to do whatever feels best to me during the day

what i think that looks like: a daily view of a calendar with absolutely nothing on it. i wake up and tune into myself and decide what feels good to work on that day, and i go ahead and work on it to completion with absolute success. at the end of the day i feel proud and fulfilled

what that looks like in practice: i wake up miserable and anxious and tired, i’m confused between anxiety and intuition, my brain is firing off the 1.7 million things i’d love to do with my life, i feel scrambly and everything feels urgent. i might get started on a task for my business that feels exciting, but one accidental click on a chrome tab i had opened since last week sends me down a rabbit hole investigating the best hair wash at an affordable price. before i know it, i’ve done this same sequence approximately 29 times during the day. i’m exhausted. i don’t feel like i got anywhere because i started nipping away at 29 different tasks.

what i actually need: set some constraints up front & do ongoing experimentation and data collection - i need to play around and practice living my life and working in different conditions and coming up with a structure formula that i’m able to thrive in, and then showing up to utilize the system!

what it looks like for me now: i know that i need to do my morning routine. this enables me to clear my head and get grounded to start the day. my non-negotiable morning routine: cycle synching smoothie, journaling, meditation, get ready, eat breakfast, make spelled tea. then i’m on to my work day. i do best when i eat at the same time of the day, so i know that i always have lunch around 12 and dinner around 5:30 with snack breaks in between. so i know that i will be working in between those times. at this point, i also know which days of the week i feel more energetic, creative, or tired, so i schedule specific tasks for certain days of the week.

front loading processes for success

i also have specific processes that i follow (systems within my systems, if you will) that help set me up for success. since i know that i’m not able to show up each day and decide what to do that day - i know i need to do my weekly planning process at the start of the week. this is where i decide what i’m gonna work on that week. you can check out a full video on how i do my weekly planning, here.

i also have quarterly and yearly reviews & goal setting sessions, where i plan out larger picture goals and projects. having these larger goals enables me to choose relevant tasks during my weekly planning. by doing the goal setting & planning work up front, i’m able to more easily determine what i need to work on and when. so when i show up to work on any given day, i don’t have to guess, panic, feel confused, or get easily side-tracked and off-focus by other shiny things. i don’t get derailed by my own brain, because i’ve set myself up for success!

this takes dedication to doing some work up front and being willing to get curious, explore, and experiment! i promise it’s worth it!

i know when i do the work upfront, i’m able to show up in the moment as my best self!

where to start when building a system

the framework

  1. start small! choose one area to focus on - that feels like there’s some friction

    • (ex - maybe you’re always stressed about laundry)

  2. notice where you already are, right here in the present moment. consider ways in which you may already have systems, or the beginnings of systems already present. what’s your current process for getting that thing done? document it!

    • (ex - laundry: when i run out of clean underwear, i wash the clothes.)

  3. consider the ways in which these systems aren’t working out for you. or could be working better. what about your current process makes it feel tense or stressful?

    • (ex - i’m always running out of clean undies which makes me feel overwhelmed cuz then the laundry feels like a really urgent thing to have to get done)

  4. envision where you’re going, what are your goals? how would you like this system or process to feel?

    • (ex - to know i always have enough clean clothes - to be free from the anxiety of running out)

  5. what small action steps can you put in place to start moving toward those goals?

    • (ex - start scheduling laundry on a specific day of the week, commit to putting the clothes in the wash as soon as the hamper is full enough for a load, etc)

    these action steps are your new system!

  6. then you experiment with the new system and see how it goes! collect that data!

    • (ex. try out doing laundry on mondays and see how that goes. maybe you realize that day is too busy so you pick a different day. or maybe you’re still running out of clothes so you try a different method of doing the laundry when the hamper is full.)

  7. use that data to move forward to refine your process/system

refining the system

sometimes it’s gonna feel easy for you to iterate on the system til you get it just right. it’ll feel like eureka! i’ll try this next! and sometimes it might feel like you’re stuck and don’t know where the fuck to go. this is where friends and communities and therapists are really helpful. crowdsource, ask your friends what they’d do in your situation or even just what their process is. they can give you feedback or their own process might spark inspiration for you in different ways. we’re not meant to do this life all alone - we need each other.

and it’s ok if your system includes needing other people to help you. like body doubling!

neurodivergent folx are so fucking brilliant and creative in so many ways. let’s celebrate that together!


systems are for everybody! and can be used to supercharge your life, especially if you’re neurodivergent and figuring out all the beautiful non-typical ways you’re able to show up in this world. it just takes a little curiosity, awareness, and experimenting- and you’re on your way to living the life you want with more ease!

i’d love to hear if you check out this 7-step framework and how it goes for you! i’d also love to hear if you have other ways that you like to think about building systems for yourself. leave me a comment on the video!

if you’d like some support in building custom systems to help you get shit done, check out my website for my 1-1 offerings and Notion templates.

thanks for being here.

i’ll see ya in the next one.



More where that came from

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my very first notion page πŸ–€


main character vibes 😎