meal planning; ultimate self care πŸ‹

an adhd lifesaver

i can’t tell you what a help it’s been to make my weekly meal plan inside Notion. previously, i was using pinterest to save a buttload of meal ideas - but if you use pinterest, you also prob know how quickly and easily it is to get distracted by literally anything else on the page πŸ˜‰ (i’ll end up looking at new cat furniture when i was supposed to figure out how to make ramen), and there’s no real way to actually organize things on pinterest in a way that makes sense for planning out meals during the week.


cue my cute & very simple Notion meal plan database! i use the Save To Notion Chrome extension to save recipes to this database. which will save the entire recipe straight from a blog post into the Notion page. now, i can avoid the million ads on the blog post, and easily edit the recipe with my own notes!


i make notes about what i served it with and exactly how i made it - so i don’t have to try to remember for next time. cuz you know my adhd brain ain’t hanging onto that info. i’ve also got a date property so i can see when i last cooked it! and if the meal consists of more than one recipe - i’ve got a relation property that allows me to relate recipes to each other, so i can quickly navigate between them. everything i need is right there!


it’s been really helpful for me when i’m making my weekly grocery list, because i can open up the recipe page, take a look at the ingredients, and put β€˜em on my list. so much easier than trying to recall from memory or having to go to a website to track them down.


and now i have a list of all my favorite recipes, right in Notion where they’re super easy to access.


we’re making ramen for dins this week πŸ²πŸ˜› what are you having?



More where that came from

If you’d like to see more posts about self care, check out the others by clicking on an image below:


health level up πŸ“ˆ


spelled tea ritual