how i start my work day as witchy entrepreneur with adhd

my opening ritual

today we’re talking about my opening ritual to start my work day as an adhd witch that runs my own business.

In this video I go over:

  • when do i do my opening ritual?

  • why it’s helpful for my adhd

  • work as magic

  • habit stacking

  • the ritual

  • how long the process takes

  • card of the day


with adhd, it can be really hard to get started on things. and when you work for yourself, it can be hard to get started on working. this opening ritual takes the challenge out of getting started on my work because it’s a fun, intentional, magical and really special way to get started on my work day without it feeling like i’m getting started at all. it’s like i’m tricking myself to get into things by starting out with a practice i really enjoy.

i start work right after my morning routine, which is arguably the most important part of my day. check out my morning routine video if you wanna see why my morning routine is essential for my adhd & mental health.

when i do my opening ritual

my opening ritual is the first thing i do when i get to work.

i work from home and this is a nice way to help me transition from my personal life to my work life.

why it’s helpful for my adhd

it’s also super helpful for my adhd. i find that setting explicit intentions/focuses really helps me when my brain starts to wander, redirect, or convince me that i NEED to follow some other shiny carrot of an idea for some quick dopamine. whenever those things happen, i can remind myself of my intention/focus. and with practice, it becomes a habit. so i’m more able to gently redirect myself back to the work at hand when i get distracted.

work as magic

it’s also really cool to think of my work day as one gigantic magic spell. if you think about it, us entrepreneurs and creators, we are essentially making magic every day we work. we’re creating something out of nothing. and that’s magic. and any good magic spell needs an opening so that you can intentionally start your practice.

habit stacking

before i begin the actual opening, i do a little habit stacking. i mist my calathea, Olivia Newton John, with water and tell her good morning. since i was already in the habit of doing this opening ritual, and she needed a little extra care, this was the perfect opportunity to add it in. and it’s a really lovely way to be in connection with my plants which adds on a little extra layer of joy to the whole process. i’m a bit obsessed with joy right now - you can check out my gratitude & joy journal video if you wanna learn why.

the ritual

next, i grab my desk candle and bring it over to my altar. at the start of the week i put some dried herbs in this cute antique ashtray. i light my candle and then light the herbs.

to me, the candle is an extension of my inner fire, what lights me up, what keeps me going, and keeping my creative fires burning.

i then walk the smoking herbs around my room, clearing out any energy that no longer serves this space, my business, me, or my loved ones. as i walk the smoke around the room, i’m also orienting myself with the space. helping my nervous system to know and feel safe here. and i also connect with the energy of everything in the room like the other plants and decor. i say hi to one of my favorite creations, Wonky Bunny, who is a cute little felt Peep & lives in my bamboo tree, and that also brings me lots of joy.

at the same time as i am clearing out any unwanted energies, i am calling in positive feelings and intentions. this is where i also use the affirmation that i choose at the beginning of the week during my monday hour one process. you can see more of that process in my weekly planning video. i write the affirmation on my white board so it’s easy for me to see it throughout the week and remember it. i put the ashtray back on my altar and go sit at my desk.

how long the process takes

this part of the process with lighting the candle and doing the smoke clearing doesn’t take long at all, maybe only a couple minutes, if that. i really just take it and walk around the room, say what i am releasing, and what i am calling in, and say hello to all the energies in the room kinda all at the same time. i look at it as a really mini smoke cleansing ritual. because i also want to make sure that this practice feels really easy and simple and quick to do. because this ritual is not the focus of what i’m doing, getting to work is the focus of what i’m doing. and this is just to help me initiate and kick off the work process.

card of the day

the last thing i do is choose a card for the day. lately i’ve been using this Pythia Botanica Oracle deck which i absolutely love. it’s so beautiful and poetic and i really resonate with the messages. i keep the day’s card out on my deck to serve as a visual reminder of that message to carry with me throughout my work day.

then i turn on my computer and i’m ready to work!


i’d love to hear if you have an opening ritual to start your workday? or what you do to differentiate your personal life from your work life if you work at home? lmk in the comments on the video.

thanks for being here.

i’ll see ya in the next one.


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More where that came from

If you’d like to see more posts about self care, check out the others by clicking on an image below:


how i use emojis in notion to help keep my adhd brain organized & focused


my essential morning routine